Senior PPC & Adwords Auditing Service

I offer a PPC audit as a service to clients who aren’t necessarily looking to switch PPC providers, or let go of managing the accounts themselves – they are simply looking for ways to improve and hone their efforts.

A major chemical facility was concerned about whether their PPC company was doing anything for them at all, and asked for an anonymous review of the PPC account; after the review I found they were spending a lot per month for almost no legitimate leads at all. After optimizing the account, we got the lead cost down lower than any other business in the same industry, over time they had a 700%+ increase in overall leads per month.

Senior SEO Auditing Service

I work on tightening your on-site SEO, while adding strategic on site content (driven by keyword research and user intent) aimed at drawing in traffic from people, websites (links) and search engines.

It is amazing sometimes how little effort is needed to make big changes in Google ranking. Did you know that about 80% of people click the 1st organic link in a Google search? It also has the highest trust factor. Less than 10% click the second link.

There was a large bail bonds company who was #4 in their metro area but wanted to be #1, with only a few days time, I was able to get their business to #1 the following week; the different between position #4 and position #1 is about 500%

Advanced Conversion Rate Optimization Service

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) is the art of adjusting the colors, layout and content on a website so that it is interesting, easy to navigate and subconsciously persuasive. It is the art of using psychology to sell without selling and in a way, almost hypnotize the mind into taking action.

For example: Changing the text from an online store’s product names to include adjectives such as ‘strong’ ‘effective’ and ‘powerful’ in the headlines… brought about an extra 10% sales, over the course of a year, it was around $1.7M US dollars.

There is an entire general checklist of psychological tricks that can literally turn a dead store from a 1% conversion rate (visitors into sales) to a 30% conversion rate. Some things take minutes to apply too.

I can…

  • Give a senior level analysis and review of your current marketing material and website designs
  • Adjust the color path of the website to increase leads or sales
  • Run A/B experiments of different formats of pages and designs
  • Run A/B tests on implementing new content and text that is designed to SELL

PPC & Google Adwords Management

I offer complete PPC program development (or overhaul of an existing pay-per-click campaign) as well as ongoing optimization and management services.

PPC advertising delivers instant traffic by placing you at top positions on search engines. With Google accounting for two-thirds of all US searches, AdWords remains the most effective PPC advertising vehicle.

In one instance there was a giant online e-commerce store spending $100,000/mo in adwords spend for the last 3 years… in only two weeks, the amount spent was reduced by 50% while the sales actually increased, saving $50,000 per month (half a million per year) – The company continued to do conversion rate optimization and PPC & SEO expansion for almost 2 years, increasing overall sales by over 185%.

If you have tried Adwords PPC campaigns before and failed, or went with a company that couldn’t produce results, you’ve got to try it instead with me. A PPC campaign done well is guaranteed to produce a profit.

I have managed over 1,000 adwords campaigns for over 500 different business industries, in monthly spend amounts from $400 to over $100,000 and currently do the Google Adwords PPC campaigns for a variety of different business industries around the world.

Senior Level Remarketing Services

Remarketing is a way to advertise with display ads in Google search results. There are about a dozen different sized remarketing ads that you see every day, and are following you as you browse the net, purposely appearing on websites you visit, such as Youtube,, CNN, ABC and most informational blogs make their money off Google display advertisements.

Remarketing ads done well always work to bring a low cost with a high return. Remarketing is literally one of the least expensive, highest return investments any company can make in the digital world. – Thomas J

Remarketing Audience Options

It is best to have different ads for every different service.The amount of people you get to turn into sales is higher and the cost is usually less. It’s called micro-targeting. So if you are a roofing contractor that provides roofing for residential and commercial roofs, have two sets of ads that target people went landed on either residential or commercial roofing pages in your site. The chances of regaining and retaining that customer is higher the more well targeted you make your display ads.

  • Abandoned Carts
  • Product Detail Pages
  • Thank You Page
  • Homepage (people who left within 10 seconds)
  • Jobs (target people who visited a job listing or career section)
  • Other Sites – remember to tag other websites you control as well, such as a blog, or mini-sites
  • Newsletter – you can tag your newsletter
  • Behind the Login – target current customers only if needed